Time: 2:14am
State: Drunk (though slowly but surely sobering)
Its always interesting when you're told that your ex-girlfriend was a bitch to you and you deserve better and that you should open your heart and love God by two different people on the same day. The former was told to me about 4-5 hours ago by my roommate over a few beers with some friends and the latter was told to me by a complete stranger while I was attempting to exit the post office.
Since the latter is a slightly more interesting story, I'll refrain from going into details of the former. I had just finished mailing a package to the primary subject of the former, when the antagonist (?) of this story approached me while I was nonchalantly read the fliers on the wall near the exit door. He mentioned how fucked up it was that red bull was attempting to advertise that drinking it would improve studying ability. I agreed with him, hoping that the forecoming conversation wouldn't last longer than a minute or two, and I could continue my plans to ride to the library. The conversation instead lasted several minutes longer, and morphed into something I didn't expect. A discussion of my belief in an ultimate creator. The man asked me if I believed in God, and I told him what I told everyone who asks me the same question. I don't necessarily deny the existence of higher power/creator, but I certainly don't concretely believe in the existence of one. If God exists, awesome, but If he/she/it doesn't, well hopefully I live a fulfilling life. And I certainly don't subscribe to any religion.
He then began to tell a parallel story of how I should embrace God the same way an infant embraces its mother, despite not really knowing why it does. He went on for a few minutes, saying that even though I reject religion, I should wake up each morning and tell how God how much I love him/her/it despite not understanding him/her/it. Needless to say it was an interesting encounter, and all though I'm not going to do what he suggested, It certainly made me think. I've been approached by religious people before, and usually they try to convert me to their religion. Usually it's Mormonism. But this random guy managed to put resisting consumerism and embracing my supposed creator in the same conversation. It definitely kept me on my toes, even if I still think he's wrong.
In light of the conversations of failed love and faith in God, I'm listening to the awesome and under-appreciated Johnny Hobo and the Freight Trains. Songs of drugs, drunkenness, depression, loneliness, anarchy, and being a bum all in one awesome 1-2 man package, depending. I wish I could write simple, honest, yet amazing songs as good as this. Here is everything that they/he have/has released that I "own."
The Anarchy Means I Hate You Demo
1. Only Two Of My Friends Are Actual People
2. Church Hymn for the Condemned
3. Fuck the Dictionary
4. DIY Orgasms
5. Below Good and Evil
6. I'm So Punk I Hate Punk
7. Put Arsenic In The Frosting Next Time
8. Untitled
All Power to the Wingnuts!
1. "No Trespassing" Waltz
2. Spraypaint and Alleyways (Crackhouse Song)
3. Homebum Song
Love Songs for the Apocalypse
1. New Mexico Song
2. Church Hymn for the Condemned
3. Whiskey Is My Kind of Lullaby
4. Acid Song
5. Election Song
6. I Want Cancer for Christmas
7. Harmony Parking Lot Song
8. Untitled
9. DIY Orgasm
Caught In the Act of Not Being Awesome (live) (combined with Is Dead)
1. New Mexico Song
2. Put Arsenic In the Frosting Next Time
3. Harmony Parking Lot Song
4. Election Song
5. Acid Song
6. Church Hymn for the Condemned
7. Whiskey Is My Kind of Lullaby
8. DIY Orgasms
Is Dead!
1. Free As the Rent We Don't Pay
2. Sellout Song
3. Skaggy
4. Crackhouse Song
5. Tampa Bay Song
6. "No Trespassing" Waltz
7. Where is My Coffee (Where Is It?)
No Album
Fuck Cops
It's Not My Revolution Oi
Life Starts Now, Wait Give Me A Second
The Politics of Holy Shit I Just Cut Open My Hand On A Broken Bottle
i would love to get my hands on this file but i guess its too big for a rapidshare free account to download. is there any other way for me to acquire this collection?
Dude... btjunkie.org...
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