8 years ago, we lost, in my opinion, one of the most profound and important musicians of rock and roll. I was only just getting into punk rock in 2002, so Joe Strummer's death did not have an immediate impact on me. However, words can barely express how much The Clash and the rest of Strummer's music means to me. They were one of the first bands I latched on to in my adolescence, and even though I was very much in a "punker-than-thou" mentality, The eclectic jukebox that defined the Clash's catalog, especially on albums like Sandinista!, never seemed to phase me in the slightest. I think I got London Calling and their first album around the same time, and being blown away, thinking "there's no way this is the same band." While Mick Jones was the pop genius heart of the songs, Strummer was the gruff, uncompromising soul. There are very few people I respect in this world, and Joe is one of them, even in death.
Watching the documentary "The Future is Unwritten," (which I highly recommend) gave me further appreciation of the man, especially of his resurgence towards the end of his life. His three albums with the Mescaleros, while not on the same level as The Clash, are fantastic albums in their own right. While Joe's projects between the Clash and the Mescaleros are few, there is enough material to justify the Generations collections that I am posting. I don't know who is responsible for putting these together originally, but whoever they are, they are awesome. These roughly 70 songs are a hefty upload, but it is worth it. They span an even larger range of sounds than Sandinista!, from his brief time with The Pogues to his South Park: Chef Aid contribution. There are also some great covers, Ramones, Bob Marley (with Johnny Cash), Jimmy Ciff, The Specials, The Stooges even a couple live Clash songs!
We miss you Joe!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
(password is folkingthesystem)
If ya'll are lucky, I may post the Live at Action Town Hall bootleg later.